DSA Kalman Student Environment

Welcome to the student area of the DSA Kalman website. We have collected and created some useful links, documents, and videos in order to help our new fellow students during the start of their studies. Below you will find, in no particular order, a selection of helpful links, a tutorial on the commonly used MATLAB and Simulink software suite, an Overleaf tutorial for your homework and reports, and more. Do you have something to share with your fellow students to help them out? Don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will share it here!

General links

Below you will find some very useful links for fresh TU Delft students:

  • Our Whatsapp and Discord links to connect with your fellow students.
  • Osiris, where you need to register for your tests.
  • MyTimetable, where you can sync your TU Delft timetable with your own calendars.
  • The software portal, where you can download some software and licenses that you might need for your courses. (MATLAB!)
  • TU Delft Library plugin, for accessing online sources from home.
  • Download a ZIP with all the intro week presentations! 
  • Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with everything that happens!

Social Stuff

Since socializing is as important as academics!

  • Committees where you can help in organizing events, the Control Career Fair, handle educational concerns, or stay in touch with Systems & Control alumni.
  • DCSC Football where you might get to kick the teachers you don’t like. 😉


The following tutorials will hopefully help you survive your studies.

We’re having a small start up session on Friday, the 3rd of September 2021 to help you out with initial doubts and difficulties that you might be facing. Register here!


NOT REQUIRED, JUST RECOMMENDED! Systems & Control is not easy. Through this document, we present relevant concepts that the student should be familiar with. Students from the bachelor mechanical engineering from the TU Delft have been taught these concepts in various courses. This document focuses on students from other studies and universities. However, if you want to get a head start it is wise to thoroughly scan this document.

S&C Guide

Download Link


PID Practice Exercise

Latex and Overleaf

What is the overleaf tutorial about?

Due to the corona crises we want to become more involved online. One of the ideas that came up was making a tutorial for overleaf. The tutorial will include 2 videos, 1 for people new to overleaf with some basics and 1 with tips and tricks that will be useful for anyone. We will also include a template for commonly encountered setups such as equations, a bibliography and a front page.


Video contents:

  • What are LaTeX and Overleaf, and why should you use it?
  • User interface
  • Language basics
  • Math mode and how to use it
You can also get it directly as an Overleaf template here.

Tips and tricks


  • Mathpix
  • The \input{} command
  • Multi-select writing
  • .eps style figures
  • Navigation tips
  • LaTeX in MATLAB
  • Citing sources with Citation Machine.
  • MATLAB in LaTeX, saving figures

Quick and Dirty Continuous Time PID Controller Design


Download link