Disdro – Project & Job Opportunity!
We have already asked you for feedback, so we will not do that again, but we would like to recap on the SUD ’19. In the coming
This week we will start with Disdro. As you might have seen, they have designed a robust rain gauge that does not require any maintenance. With this disdrometer it is possible to acquire information about rain intensity and drop-size distribution.
Of course, the information that is collected is uploaded to a cloud platform where it is possible to access and also forward the data. This data is used within a broad spectrum, e.g. meteorological research, government, agriculture, transportation and power.
This project is not only a commercial one as it began as a collaboration between TU Delft and TAHMO. The TAHMO project is committed to serving the public by advancing the free and open exchange of hydro-meteorological data collected with its monitoring stations. To learn more about this check the following video:
At the moment there are quite some possibilities to contribute to this interesting project.
- Modelling the rain. The idea is that it is possible to calculate the size and volume of the raindrops if you find the right constants. After that, using the data collected by the sensors, it is possible to model the rain. In this part knowledge of LabView is recommended.
- Cloud communication. In this job you have to provide the communication that happens between the disdrometer and a local network and nanosatellites. You will have to write the protocols to connect the LoRa node to the LoRa gateway.
- Designing PCBs. What they actually want is to get the disdro to be so efficient that it will not depend on the solar panels anymore (less prone to theft).
- Extending disdro with more sensors. Would it not be great if we could get more information out of disdro? An idea is to add sensors for the temperature, pressure and humidity. Which would add a lot to the information they already have and turn the disdro almost to a weather station that you can hold in one hand.
If any of these jobs peak your interest, visit their website and send them an email. If you prefer it also possible for us to introduce you, just drop us an email.
For other interesting control-related graduation projects, internships and job opportunities, don’t forget to check out our career page!